Monday, December 8, 2008

Star plots

Star plots use a graphic with spines emanating from the origin. Each spine represents a variable which corresponds to a color coding. This use of color-code reaches for a modified choropleth, but the information provided doesn't.

Correlation matrix

This gene to gene correlation matrix describes the correlation or similarities between the different variables. Each subset shows the quadrant and matrix that corresponds with the correlation.

Similarity matrix

The matrix shown shows the similarity between the two data points. The colors and different shadings correlate to the differences and similarities corresponding to the data points.

Stem and leaf plot

Stemplots or double stemplots graphically represent quantitative data to the nearest significant digits.

Box plot

This plot depicts large quantities of numbers or variables using the boxplot application. The speed of light against the experiment number yields varying results which is represented visually in the boxplot.


This graph shows the distribution frequency for the grades on a specific test or subject. The bars are measured both horizontally and vertically for analysis and distribution.

Parallel coordinate graph

This graph is used to plot multivariate datasets when pertaining to one applicable reference. It can be inferred that this graph is also a modified choropleth utilizing different color schemes for data and being classed at different intervals.