Monday, December 8, 2008

Star plots

Star plots use a graphic with spines emanating from the origin. Each spine represents a variable which corresponds to a color coding. This use of color-code reaches for a modified choropleth, but the information provided doesn't.

Correlation matrix

This gene to gene correlation matrix describes the correlation or similarities between the different variables. Each subset shows the quadrant and matrix that corresponds with the correlation.

Similarity matrix

The matrix shown shows the similarity between the two data points. The colors and different shadings correlate to the differences and similarities corresponding to the data points.

Stem and leaf plot

Stemplots or double stemplots graphically represent quantitative data to the nearest significant digits.

Box plot

This plot depicts large quantities of numbers or variables using the boxplot application. The speed of light against the experiment number yields varying results which is represented visually in the boxplot.


This graph shows the distribution frequency for the grades on a specific test or subject. The bars are measured both horizontally and vertically for analysis and distribution.

Parallel coordinate graph

This graph is used to plot multivariate datasets when pertaining to one applicable reference. It can be inferred that this graph is also a modified choropleth utilizing different color schemes for data and being classed at different intervals.

Triangular plot

This triangular plot is a pretty convoluted representation of the conservative vote % for some election year. Each triumvirate is represented by an angle on the triangle.


This windrose plots the points and areas pertaining to the subsequent wind speeds measured in knots. Resultant vectors can be obtained and calculated using the supplied data.


This climograph for Australia plots the points and graphs for the temperature vs precipitation trends for a specific region. Notice how the graph and the line points follow a similar motion and trend.

Population profile

This population profile shows the number of immigrants in 2004. The left side represents the male immigrants and the right side represents the female immigrants. The shape corresponding to the profile lends to infer that there were more middle-aged immigrants than older or younger ones.

Scatter plot

This example scatter plot shows a definite trend upward. Notice how the dots are closely knit together indicating a strong trend upwards. If the scatter plot dots were loosely decorated around the chart, the trend would be less strong and harder to determine.

Index value plot

This index value plot is another visual representation of data. Each colored value represents the relative daily index closings for the respective country. Index values are used, not absolute values.

Accumulative line graph or Lorenz curve

This lorenz curve shows the actual trend of %households vs %income. In a perfectly balanced economic society, the number of households would go up proportionally to the amount of income. This, of course, isn't the case which the Lorenz curve illustrates.

Bilateral Graph

This bilateral graph shows both positive and negative values concerning the humanitarian assistance in 2005-2006.

Nominal area choropleth map

Having no particular emphasis on class or order, this is a map regarding the vegetative and qualitative differences in Canada. The different colors represent the differences in vegetation.

Standardized choropleth map

This is an image showing the populations of 14 year olds and under in Canada. The units and variables are standard throughout the region and area.

Unclassed choropleth map

This is a lightning density map for the year 1989. There is no specific class as prescribed by other choropleth maps. The red areas constitute higher lightning strike densities.

Classed choropleth map

The differences between this choropleth maps and others is that each interval is divided up further into different 'classes.' Each class yields for a greater attention to detail and division of information.

Range graded proportional circle map

This range graded circle map shows the Mexican populations in the western half of the United States. The difference in this circle map from the others is that there is a range to how large and the quantity of which each circle can represent.

Continuously variable proportional circle map

This map measures the proportional area (in reference to the specific data) in circles. The larger the corresponding data, the larger the circle and pie chart.


DOQQ's are digital images produced by the USGS--they contain orthorectified aerial photography at a resolution of 1 meter. This particular image can be used for accurate map making and precision tools.


This digital elevation model shows a 3d representation of land mass both in and out of water. The higher the elevation, the closer towards red the color.


Using this digital image of the U.S., one can see the color coding regarding elevation. Although the key isn't seen on this image, the closer the color is towards red, the higher the elevation (when the color is on a land mass, not in water).


The DRG listed here of a quad in central New York adheres to the UTM and other geographical mandates of that region. Images are scanned using at least 500 dpi or more.


The contours denoted by color (also useful as a choropleth map) represent the pH levels across the continental U.S.


Isopachs used in this image are clearly identified both for the land and marine applications it regards. The dots on the grid could loosely affiliate this image with a modified scatter plot, as well as a PLSS map with regards to the gridding.


These lines joined by equal precipitation are displayed through this isohyet image. This image could also be considered a choropleth map, with the color coding and interval values listed at the side.


The isotachs listed here represent wind velocity measured in knots. Isotachs are lines in a given surface connecting points with equal wind speed.


This visual shows the lines of constant pressure around a Low pressure somewhere over the Great Lakes. These visuals are useful in predicting weather movement and how either a High pressure of Low pressure will react with adjacent climate patterns.


This LIDAR image shows a 3d representation of Manhattan and the subsequent cleanup efforts after 9/11/01.

Doppler Image

The doppler image shown here is of Hurricane Ivan in 2004. Shown is the radial intensity of the storm and weather bands created from the changes in pressure and isobars.

Black and white aerial photo

Black and white aerial photos are good for interpreting both present and past data concerning a region. This photo was taken of the balloon track site, a fully operation railroad track in the 1950's and 1960's.

Infrared Aerial Photo

As seen in this photo, using IR (infrared) images to circumnavigate climate changes, area, and land masses is highly useful

Cartographic Animation

Cartographic animations are used for an interactive asset when reading data. Normally moving the cursor over a highlighted region would bring up that respective region's data and corresponding information.

Statistical Map

Statistical maps are commonly also choropleth maps. This particular map uses past data to compile how many people are online in the respective regions. Notice the color coding and areas used for emphasis.


Cartograms distort actual land mass to replace with visual representation of information being provided. In this case it has to do with wealth and GDP.

Flow Map

Flow maps are used to identify incoming and outgoing masses, bodies, or weather patterns. This specific one shows the flow of air traffic concerning noise control and maintenance.

Isoline Map

This particular isoline map shows the distribution of coverage, or in this case wind, over the continental United States. It can be seen through visual representation aided by color, that the vast majority of the mid-west will be experiencing some winds.

Proportional Circle Map

This map, using sometimes overlapping circles to signify same-coverage use, explains the internet usage in 2004 for Europe. It can be seen that only in certain areas does some coverage and usage overlap as represented by the circle map.

Choropleth Map

This map uses interval quantities and color shading to accurately define the regions (both county and subsequent state) that use farmland to grow certain crops. The crops are defined at the top, and intervals regarding acreage are labeled at the right using color-coding.

Dot Distribution Map

The population density is shown here through the close proximity of white dots. The larger the concentration of white area, the larger the population density. It can be inferred from this visual representation that the majority of people living in close quarters occurs on the eastern part of the United States, and on the west coast.

Propaganda Map

The title alone and derivative used to display (counties instead of lump sum state votes) suggests that the entire country voted for Bush in 2004. Using this form of coercion brings visual aid towards swaying a particular group of people when regarding a situation.

Hypsometric Map

This is a hypsometric map of France. The colors are integral to defining the characteristics surrounding the topographical features denoted by the map.


This is a PLSS map grid of Franklin County, Alabama. The sectors and regions indicated for land ownership are clearly marked through the map grid.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Remote Sensing Assignment

Dry Tortugas National Park--DEM information regarding acquired lidar topographic information; color coded elevation images.

An Image of Panama City, Florida. Image includes roadways, weather advisories, and terrain mappers.

A view of the Earth with weather radar, a show of the clouds, and national borders highlighted.

Cadastral Map

Cadastral map sheets of the cadastral survey under Emperor Franz I, 1817-1861

Thematic Map

This is a thematic map of the continents (excluding Antarctica) concerning the methane emissions yielded from growing rice. Notice how Brazil, India, and China are among the highest emitters of methane due to rice.